

Os autores informam que não há conflito de interesse.

Ana Paula Cavalcante Carneiro1
Lara de Menezes Andrade2
Felipe José de Oliveira Fraga3
Maria Luisa Duarte4

1. Master in Forensic Expertise at the University of Pernambuco (UPE).
Specialist in Forensic Dentistry by the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (ABO / Alagoas). Forensic Odontologist of the Legal Medical Institute Estácio de Lima – Maceió / AL, Brazil. Professor of Legal Medicine at the Faculties of Law of SEUNE and Maurício de Nassau – Maceió / Alagoas. (Research Advisor). Participant of the CNPq Research Group-Integrated Nucleus of Human and Social Sciences Research in Health. Address: Street Escritor Antônio Saturnino,  .99, apt 702, Jatiúca – Maceió / AL, CEP: 57036-420. Phone: (82) 99976-1288. Email: analegista@hotmail.com
2. Graduating from the Medical Course of the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas (UNCISAL), Maceió, AL, Brazil. Participant of the CNPq Research Group – Integrated Nucleus of Human and Social
Sciences Research in Health. Address: Street João Correia de Araújo, n. 09, Farol – Maceió-AL, CEP: 57052-493.  hone: (82) 99910-2307. Email: laradma@hotmail.com
3. Graduating from the Medical Course of the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas (UNCISAL), Maceió, AL, Brazil. Participant of the Research Group of CNPq – Integrated Nucleus of Researches in Human and Social Sciences in Health. Address: Street Advogado Nelson de Souza, n ° 46, Cond. Amans, Serraria – Maceió-AL, CEP:57046-190Phone: (82) 99331-6220. Email: felipe_jfraga@hotmail.com
4. PhD in Pathology from the Fluminense Federal University – Niterói / Riode Janeiro (UFF / RJ), Specialist in Legal Medicine by the BrazilianSociety of Legal Medicine / AMB. Professor (Adjunct Professor) of the
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine of the State University of Health Sciencesin Alagoas (UNCISAL), Maceió, AL, Brazil. (Research Co-Chair). Leaderof the Research Group of CNPq – Integrated Nucleus of Research in
Human and Social Sciences in Health. Address: Lot. Jd. Petrópolis II-E,nº 55, QC3, Santa Amélia – Maceió / AL, CEP: 57063-226. Phone: (82)99972-5571. Email: maraluduarte@uol.com.br

Identity is the set of characters that makes a person or a thing individual,
making it stand out from the others. Human Identification is based on the use of
special techniques to determine one’s identity. This process has great value for
the dynamics of a medical-legal service, since it is common the arrival of
unidentified corpses, often putrefied, mutilated, charred or skeletonized.
Forensic identification of the deceased involves coordinated efforts of a
multidisciplinary team employing different techniques². The primary and most
reliable means of identification are comparative dental analyzes, fingerprints
and deoxyribonucleic acid profiles (DNA). Secondary means include various
possibilities for recognition, such as personal description, medical data,
evidence and clothing found in the body¹. The present study had the objective
of verifying the use of the main methods of post mortem identification, according
to the epidemiological and structural variables, during the period of five years, in
the Legal Medical Institute Estácio de Lima, in the city of Maceió, Alagoas. It is
an observational, retrospective and descriptive-analytical research performed
through the analysis of cadaveric data. In the observed period, the LMI received
12,514 corpses, of which 10.8% arrived without identification. Of these, 63.6%
were recognized through clothing, accessories and tattoos and 6.3% were
identified using scientific methods, with necropapiloscopy being the most used
technique, accounting for 67.7% of the identifications. However 2.5% of the
corpses remained unidentified. It was possible to conclude that, in the period
studied, there was a predominance of identifications performed through
necropapiloscopy, followed by analysis of DNA profile and the comparison of
odontological data. The use of non-scientific means for the recognition of the
corpse has also been found, which, due to the limitations of the State itself, are
often used in isolation.

de víctimas de catástrofes, p.16-19, 2009. Available in: <http:
//www.interpol.int/es/Centro-de-prensa/Publicaciones>. Acess in 8 out.
2. NAGALAXMI, UgrappaSridevV. et al. Cheiloscopy, Palatoscopy and
Odontometrics in Sex Prediction and Dis-crimination – a Comparative
Study. The Open Dentistry Journal, Chennai, v.8, n.24, p. 269-279, nov.
2014. Available in:
<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4311385/>. Acess in 9
out. 2015

Bibliographical references