Os autores informam que não há conflito de interesse.
Manoel Francisco de Campos Neto (1),
André Luis Silva Amaral (2),
Jorge Paulete Varell (3),
Sérgio Castelo Branco Ferreira de Santana (4),
Marcel Pereira Barbosa (5),
Clemente Calvo Castilhone Junior (6)
(1) Perito Oficial Médico Legista – POLITEC – Seção de Medicina Legal – Regional de Cáceres-MT e Traumato-Ortopedista da equipe de TRAUMA e EMERGÊNCIA do HRAF- Hospital Regional Antonio Fontes – Cáceres – MT – (manoelcamposneto60@gmail.com). (2) Cirurgião Geral da Equipe de Trauma e Emergência do HRAF Hospital Regional Antonio Fontes – Cáceres-MT. (3) Doutor em Ciências; Ex Médico-Legista da Superintendência da Polícia Técnico-Científica da Secretaria da Segurança Pública de São Paulo, Professor Doutor de Medicina Legal no Curso de Direito da Universidade Paulista (UNIP); Professor do Máster em Medicina Legal da Universidade de Valencia (Espanha); Professor de Medicina Legal e de Criminologia na Academia de Polícia Civil de São Paulo. (4) Departamento de Radiologia da UNIC – Universidade de Cuiabá-MT. (5) APF (Agente da Polícia Federal) – Delegacia de Cáceres – MT. (6) PCSP- Polícia Civil do Estado de São Paulo, Delegado de Polícia, Ex-Diretor de Inteligência do Departamento Investigações sobre Narcóticos – DENARC, Professor de Investigação Policial da Academia de Polícia de São Paulo, Mestre em Adolescente em Conflito com a Lei, Especialista em Docência no Ensino Superior.
INTRODUCTION: The transport of swallowed capsules containing drugs is quite common, especially in the western border region of the Mato Grosso State and in international airports. People who indulge in this practice are known as “human mules.” The wrappings usually contain pressed base paste of cocaine and wrapped in materials that seek to protect the capsules from digestive juices and circumvent the police and medical detection. In May 2014, a man from a Bolivian couple in transit through Cáceres-MT (2nd main route of traffic) has already died in the hospital, and the body is referred to the IML. His 26-year-old wife was hospitalized with clinical manifestations suggestive of overdose of drugs, referring to abdominal pain. Both carried several packs of cocaine (liquid), packed in three condoms. OBJECTIVES: To describe the unprecedented transport of liquid Cocaine in swallowed capsules, wrapped in layers of latex. Investigate the cause of the poisoning of the victim, considering that the drug envelopes were intact. METHODOLOGY: Evaluation of simple x-rays of the abdomen of the surviving woman (Philips X-ray equipment, model VMI). Toxicological examination of urine. Surgical removal of the capsules. RESULTS: The urine test reported “positive” for Cocaine. Conventional abdominal radiographs showed no conclusive diagnosis of the presence of capsules in the digestive tract. The condoms contained no perforations. CONCEPTUAL POINTS AND SYNTHESIS: The simple RX imaging method performed on the surviving victim remained as inconclusive for a safe prediction. Liquid Cocaine in a moldable wrapping is confused with the natural content of the digestive tract. This victim suffered from overdose of Cocaine, as the drug was detected in the tests by small leaks through the nodes. This unprecedented method increases vulnerability at our borders. Thus, action becomes more difficult to combat the International Drug Trafficking, which requires greater investments in government research on the transport of Cocaine (liquid) = swallowed capsules, on the world’s borders and at international airports. Body Scan kits can provide inconclusive images, and thus, without confirmation, free up yet another drug trafficker.
1. Campos Neto, MF, Paulete Vanrell, J., Atlas de Medicina Legal – guia prático para Médicos e Operadores do Direito – Tomo II – Toxicologia Forense (p. 517-539) -1 Ed, Editora LEUD, 2014.
2. Campos Neto, MF – “MULAS HUMANAS” no Narcotráfico Internacional Bolívia-Brasil – suicidas em potencial. 2 ed. Campinas/SP : Millennium, 2012.
3. França, GV – Medicina Legal. 9ed., Rio de Janeiro : Guanabara-Koogan, 2009.
4. Conforme Ra da UNODC – RELATÓRIO ANUAL da United Nations Office on Drugs Crime (UNODC) – 2013.