Os autores informam que não há conflito de interesse.
Manoel Francisco de Campos Neto (1),
Vicente Palmiro Silva Lima (2),
Ricardo Augusto Monteiro de Barros Almeida (3),
Jorge Paulete Vanrell (4),
Luis Marcos Turdera(5),
Vidal Haddad Junior (6)
(1) Perito Oficial Médico Legista – POLITEC – Seção de
Medicina Legal – Regional de Cáceres-MT – (manoelcamposneto60@gmail.com). (2)
Ortopedista da equipe de Trauma e Emergência do Hospital Regional de CáceresMT (3) Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu – UNESP – São Paulo. (4) MédicoLegista da Superintendência da Polícia Técnico-Científica da Secretaria da
Segurança Pública de São Paulo, Professor de Medicina Legal e de Criminologia na
Academia de Polícia Civil de São Paulo. (5) Perito Judicial Trabalhista e Ortopedista
da equipe de Trauma e Emergência do Hospital Regional de Cáceres-MT. (6)
Professor de Dermatologia – Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP- Botucatu/SP
(Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu) São Paulo.
INTRODUCTION: The Pantanal alligators (jacarés-do-Pantanal) and the lizards of the Teiidae family are large reptiles that measure up to four and a half and two meters respectively. In certain situations these animals may become aggressive and cause serious injuries to humans. CASE REPORTS: We reported attacks of a Pantanal alligator (Caiman yacare) on an employee of a cooperative of creation of alligators and teiús lizards (Tupinambis merianae) in farmers. These occurred on the fingers of the victims’ hands when the patients were working. The bites caused significant loss of soft tissue and exposed fractures, in addition to blunt short wounds. There were also amputations and important tissue dilations caused by the teeth of the animals, which were associated with mechanisms of resistance and / or defense by the victims. Surgically, the victim attacked by the alligator had its wounds debrided with excision of the devitalized tissues and what remained of the nail, the fracture of the nail and extremity of the finger was reduced and stabilized, being used a needle for bone fixation. Clinically, all wounds (teiús and Pantanal alligator) were treated with analgesics, anti-inflammatories and prophylactic antibiotic therapy. In the follow-ups no secondary infections were detected, except for small areas of skin necrosis in the surgical victim (skin of the digital pulp). CONCEPTUAL POINTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Injuries by Pantanal alligators and teiús are not common in Brazil. The cases demonstrate the great destruction of tissues that can be caused by the bites of these reptiles and since all the patients worked at the moment of the bites, they constitute occupational accidents that should serve as alert for the common population and for those responsible for medical-legal analysis, once that situations involving wild animals and serious accidents are on the rise in our country.
1. Haddad, V. Jr., Animais Aquáticos Potencialmente Perigosos do Brasil: Guia
Médico e Biológico [Potentially Dangerous Aquatic Animals of Brazil: A Medical and
Biological Guide]. São Paulo, Brazil: Editora Roca; 2008.
2. Haddad, V. Jr., Duarte MR, Neto DG. Tegu (teiu) bite: report of human injury
caused by a Teiidae lizard. Wilderness Environ Med. 2008; 19(2): 111-3.
3. Campos Neto, MF, Paulete Vanrell, J., Atlas de Medicina Legal – guia prático para
Médicos e Operadores do Direito – Tomo II – Lesões por animais (p. 253 a 255) -1
Ed, Editora LEUD, 2014.
4. Campos Neto, MF, Stolf HO, Haddad , V .Jr Ataque de jacaré a pescador no
Pantanal de Mato Grosso (Brasil): relato de caso Diagn Tratamento. 2013; 18(1):21-