

FERREIRA, Luciano Resende,

NASCIMENTO, Isabella Cotta do,

FERREIRA, Laura Cristina Rios,

FERREIRA, Lívia Helena Junqueira,

FREGONESI, Raísa Laisner,

SILVA, Glaucia Senna Martins da.

The professional driver’s health condition is one of most important factors in maintaining the transit security. Drivers suffering from disabling conditions that may place in risk themselves and others must have their Brazilian national driver`s license (CNH) notified for DETRAN (State Department of Transit). This notification to DETRAN usually is made by the Brazilian Social Security Medical Examiners physicians in order to help transit authorities in the evaluation of the professional driver. It is essential to evaluate the epidemiological profile of professional drivers who had CNH notified to DETRAN, as well as the main diseases related with this group of workers subjected to medical evaluation. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile of professional drivers who were submitted to medical social security examination and had CNH notified to DETRAN. Methods:
This was a cross-sectional study involving 84 professional drivers receiving social security benefits for temporary disability from Welfare Agency (APS) of Poços de Caldas of National Social Security Institute (INSS) and had CNH notified to Detran. The professional drivers were evaluated from November 2014 until December 2015 and were submitted to a structured analysis for medical evaluation data collection including: gender, age, vehicles type of driving (trucks, buses, others), class of driver’s license with special license or not, has or has not paid activity with CNH, International Classification of Diseases (ICD), and average time of driver’s license. Results:
The results showed that 97% of drivers were male with an average age of 46.2 years, between 28 to 67 years of age; 47% were truck drivers, 27% bus drivers, and 26% were other drivers, including ambulance, minibuses, taxi, private car drivers and others; 87% of these drivers had proven paid activities in driver’s license and 43% showed special license assingments as driver license for collective transport, dangerous product, emergency vehicles and others. It was observed that 64% has driver’s license class D, 26% class E, 3% class C, 2% class B, 23% class AE or AD, and 73% of this group had leaves by traumatic diseases associated to motorcycle accidents. The most prevalent diseases were traumatic injuries with codes S or T (38%), followed by cardiovascular diseases with codes ICD-10 I (17%), psychiatric diseases with codes F (16%), musculoskeletal diseases with codes M (12%), and neoplastic diseases with codes C (6%), followed by other codes (11%). The average time of driver’s license permission was 23 years, ranging between 6 and 48 years. Conclusions: The profile of professional drivers with CNH notified to DETRAN by social security expertise has shown that the majority were male adults, truck drivers with driver’s license class D, presenting traumatic diseases and sequels diseases followed by cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric. These data are intended to help businesses and government agencies to take measures to prevent the loss of time at work and the prevention of disabilities caused by major diseases associated with the absence from work of professional drivers, including health promotion and preventive measures of diseases traumatic, cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric disorders.

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