The author declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Adilson da Silva Morato Filho (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
(1) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife/PE, Brasil. (Main Author)
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is envisaged as one of the components of the medical certificate, with the express authorization of the patient or legal guardian, in its role as a codification of the diseases of worldwide use, essential for the medical expertise of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The objective of this article is to demonstrate the importance of the ICD in expert medical evaluations for its normative and quantitative aspects, in Recife, in the five-year period of 2011-2015. The methodology was a descriptive, cross-sectional study with information collection and analysis of the codification of disability benefits through the Sistema Único de Informações de Benefícios / Unified System of Benefit Information (SUIBE). During the period surveyed, the total of different ICDs found was 4,757 for the total of disability benefits granted of 186,058. The five main groups of ICDs were obtained in descending order: 559 ICD “S”, responsible for 50,998 benefits; 401 of ICD “M”, for 35,315 benefits; 314 of ICD I, for 14,654; 296 of ICD “K”, by 20,254; and 219 of ICD “F”, for 10,709. Although the ICD alone does not determine a worker’s disability by the INSS, it should be mentioned in medical certificates as a subsidy to the information needed by health and occupational health services, not only for the requirement of the computerized systems, also for the technical opinion of the social security medical experts.
Keywords: health certificate, coroners and medical examiners, insurance benefits.
Please click here for the full article in portuguese.
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