Study approved by UFAL Research Ethical Comitee under revision n° 15981413.7.0000.5013. This article derives from a Master thesis in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Trauma at Universidade de Pernambuco.
The authors declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Raphael Teixeira Moreira (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Emanuel Dias de Oliveira e Silva (2)
Lattes: – ORCID:
José Zenou Costa Filho (3)
Lattes: – ORCID:
(1)Hospital Universitário Alcides Carneiro, Campina Grande, PB. (Main Author)
(2) Universidade de Pernambuco, Recife, PE. (Main Author)
(3) Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, AL. (Main Author)
The trauma of the face appears with great incidence in physical aggressions and accidents, by the position of vulnerability in the body. It is subject to modifications of the etiologic agent and lesion pattern according to the socio-cultural and economic profile of the region. This study has a transverse, observational nature, of predominantly descriptive analysis. The same was done at the General Hospital of the State of Alagoas, using data collected from patient records from January to June 2012, with the aim of tracing the epidemiological profile of victims of facial trauma, with the following variables: gender, age, etiology, and alcohol intake. The lesion pattern, type and location on the face were also analyzed. During the study, a prevalence of 72% of males was observed, with the majority of the victims being adults or young people, reaching 35.6% and 32% of the cases, respectively. As to the type of lesion, the most frequent was the contusion (90.6%) and the region most affected corresponded to the nasal (21%). The most frequent etiologies corresponded to traffic accidents (33%) and falls (33%). Fifteen percent of the individuals involved in traffic accidents made use of alcoholic beverage. From this study can be provided useful data for the elaboration of public policies for preventive campaigns, more appropriate to the situation lived by the population, as well as clinical protocols.
Keywords: epidemiology, wounds and injuries, facial trauma.
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