The authors declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Maria Makiese Santos Vicente (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Giovanna Gianecchini Vignardi (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Carolina Rossi Santos (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Renan Gianecchini Vignardi (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Gabriel Stecca Canicoba (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Anna Carolina Macieira Feitosa Mota (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Carmen Silvia Molleis Galego Miziara (1)
Lattes: – ORCID:
Ivan D Miziara (2)
Lattes: – ORCID:
(1) Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo – SP, Brasil (autor principal).
(2) Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – SP, Brasil (autor principal).
Violence against children and adolescents is a public health problem without geographical limits or economic limits, and has been increasing in frequency across the planet. The type of psycho-emotional violence is considered the most frequent form, but it is not always identified, coming to be accepted culturally. This study aimed to show the main aspects related to this nature of violence and its consequences. Methods: a narrative literature review was carried out in open access databases and on official websites of the World Health Organization and Brazilian governmental agencies. Results: children under five years old, both sexes, belonging to the unstructured family, parents with high expectations for the child or drug addicts make up the main risk factors. Negative behaviors or words with a context of devaluation and humiliation, frightening disciplinary methods or the use of electronic means capable of causing suffering are some methods applied by the aggressor. The consequences of psycho-emotional violence can be devastating, culminating in impaired victims’ immediate and late quality of life. Conclusion: In the psycho-emotional violence, the perpetrator is a person from the family or social life of the child or adolescent, who acts by action or omission, in a repeated way, with the objective of causing mental suffering to the victim. The diagnosis is complex, as it is a subjective context, difficult to prove and often understood as a method of discipline. The doctor in the case of a suspected or confirmed case of violence is obliged to adopt legal measures aimed at better analyzing the facts and protecting the victim.
Key words: child abuse, psychological distress, crime victims, exposure to violence.
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