The authors declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Giovanna Mayumi Righi (1) –
Bruna Vieira Hernandez Mazetto (1) –
Julia Martins Cerri (1) –
Athanase Christos Dontos (2) –
Daniele Muñoz Gianvecchio (2) –
(1) Universidade Santo Amaro, Faculdade de Medicina, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. (main author)
(2) Universidade Santo Amaro, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Legal, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. (advisor).
Introduction: Social isolation required by the coronavirus pandemic combined with the impact on employment, financial instability and high levels of tension increased the stress levels in most vulnerable families and the risk of violence. Despite being highly prevalent, family violence against minors still goes unnoticed and many times neglected due the authorities lack of intervention,
since parents are the main responsible for this event. Objective: The objective of this article is to analyze child violence during COVID-19 crisis.
Materials and method: A literature review was made based on data like GoogleScholar, Scielo and PubMed, of the year of 2020, in portuguese, english and spanish languages. Results: Data from social organization and nongovernmental media institutions report increasing child abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was an increase of 7,4% in Brasília; 8,5% in Paraná; 7,3% in Rio Grande do Sul e 32% in Pernambuco. In addition, protection network institutions in this population also report the increase of the number of cases and alert to the possibility of underreporting, due to quarantine and the reduction of working hours of support services such as guardianship councils. Discussion: The family sphere, socially seen as welcoming and responsible for the child’s well being, many times become the aggressive threat for this population. The vulnerability is even greater during times of social isolation, increasing the aggressions. It is important to remind that the damages endure and interfere in the individual’s biopsychosocial development. Therefore, the acknowledgement and proper intervention in those family spheres are extremely necessary. Conclusion: Quarantine measures and displacement restrictions, required to prevent and/or decrease the transmission rate of COVID-19, in general, modify the family routine, adding new stress sources. Therefore, in order to mitigate this situation, the social, governmental and health spheres should work together so that children and teenagers can be supported and progress in a society where the defense of their rights and well-being continue to be a priority.
Keywords: child abuse, domestic violence, coronavirus.
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