Literature review


How to cite: Yoshino F, Caselli VM, Muñoz-Gianvecchio D, Dontos AC. Domestic violence during the pandemic of COVID-19. Persp Med Legal Perícia Med. 2021; 6(1)

Submitted 02/22/2021
Accepted 03/09/2021

The authors declares that there is no conflict of interest.


Fernanda Yoshino (1) – 

Victória Marsura Caselli (1)– 

                                                                             Daniele Muñoz Gianvecchio (2) – 

                                                                                Athanase Christos Dontos (3) – 

(1) Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Santo Amaro, Departamento de Medicina Legal, São Paulo – SP, Brasil. (main author) 

(2) Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo e da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, Departamento de Medicinal Legal, São Paulo – SP, Brasil. (advisor) 

(3) Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Santo Amaro, Departamento de Medicina Legal, São Paulo – SP, Brasil. (advisor) 



Introduction: Domestic violence is the action performed by a member of a family who is in a power relationship with another, harming their integrity. The increase in cases of violence may be explained by changes in family dynamics due to social isolation. Objective: to analyze whether the pandemic impacted the number of cases of domestic violence. Materials and methods: Review of existing literature, where 89 articles were found in English and Portuguese within scientific databases PubCovid-19, Scielo and Public Health Agencies using descriptors: “Covid-19”, “domestic violence”, “social distancing”, “abuse” and “pandemic”. Result: It is observed that the increase in violence is due to social isolation as a result of increased interaction with aggressors, in addition to the lack of freedom to seek help. Discussion: during the pandemic period, some factors have led to the increase in domestic violence: educational and work institutions are closed, multitasking, economic crisis and irritability by the restrictions imposed, increase aggressive behaviors. In addition, dependency, whether social or financial, often makes victims more vulnerable. Conclusion: confinement makes it difficult for victims of domestic violence to reach for help. Thus, it is proposed to guarantee full-time care through communication channels and establishment of measures for routine organization, strengthening of ties and positive transformations in family dynamics.  

Keywords: violence, domestic violence, family violence, social isolation, pandemic, covid-19.  

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