The research contained in this article is the result of a Post-doctorate carried out at the Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo (IPUSP), from October 2020 to December 2021 under the supervision of Professors. Zélia Ramozzi-Chiarottino and Eda Terezinha Tassara and approved on 07/03/2022, by the Pro-Rectory of Research. The author inform no conflict of interest.
José Jozefran Berto Freire (1) –
(1) Universidade Estadual do Pernambuco. Recife-PE, Brasil (autor principal)
This article aims to prove the concepts of tendency and biological implication are contained in the so-called tertius of Aristotelian philosophy. The so-called tertius, or Middle term, or even in medio virtus, is contained between the empirical perception and the Aristotelian thinking, therefore, and in our understanding, allowing all the advancement of science, philosophy and the clarification of the scientific character of so many theories and propositions. In this universe of thinking, the concepts mentioned above are amid the universal and the necessary and in that which happens most of the time, whenever science is done, as stated by the philosopher. In this article, we’ll start with an excerpt on Aristotelian thinking, following with reflections on “experience”, “frequent”, “trend” and finally, on biological implication, proving the correct insertion of these two last concepts in the Middle term of thinking about science as it was taught by Aristotle. Forensic Medicine is included in the concept of the Aristotelian tertius through the Aristotelian frequency and the biological implication as we propose.
Key-words: science philosophy, biological implication, tendency, experience, frequent Aristotelian, Forensic Medicine.
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