The authors inform no conflict of interest.
Yuri Franco Trunckle (1)
Duarte Nuno Pessoa Vieira (2)
(1) Médico Residente em Medicina Legal e Perícia Médica do Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica, Medicina Social e do Trabalho da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP).
(2) Professor Catedrático de Medicina Legal, Ciências Forenses, Ética e Direito Médico da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Introduction: With the growing demand for judicial medical expertise due to litigations involving allegations of damages associated with health care and the known ignorance of social security issues by health teams, this paper aims to discuss the usefulness of the specialist in Legal Medicine and Medical Expertise in health services as a consultant on these issues. Material and method: non-systematic literary review on the themes of “medical error”, social security medical expertise, medical law and legal medicine and medical expertise. Results: no studies were found discussing the usefulness of the specialist in question working in health services, having found studies related to the theme and some repercussions of litigation involving health. Conclusion: the specialist in Forensic Medicine and Medical Expertise for being the link between medical knowledge and the law has technical competence to act in an interdisciplinary way in health services with regard to ethical and legal issues in these services.
Keyword: medical errors; consultants; forensic medicine;
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