Original Article


How to cite: Nascimento FLS. Visual law applied to medical expertise documents. Persp Med Legal Pericia Med. 2022; 7: e221224


Submitted 11/10/2022
Accepted 12/20/2022

The authors inform no conflict of interest.


Fernanda Layse da Silva Nascimento


Advogada vinculada à OAB/PB e à OAB-PE.

E-mail: lsn.fernanda06@gmail.com


The formality in the field of Legal Sciences has always accompanied the operators of Law; With the advent of the last pandemic, the informational load to which society was subjected has increased, demanding that more data be understood in decision-making. Visual law resources emerge in this context as potential facilitators of communication and, within the procedural course, as auxiliary mechanisms for a fair and correct decision. Recognizing this potential, the objective is to investigate the possibility of its application to documents of a medical-expert nature, considered essential for the adequate resolution of judicial disputes. For this, the research, which qualifies as theoretical, starts from studies on the application of the visual law in legal documents and, based on the deductive method, investigates the possibility of its use in expert medical documents. It is recognized that expert evidence is essential to resolve a conflict, but the magistrate’s knowledge is not always sufficient to adequately understand the specifics of a dispute. As a result, the report drawn up by an expert is expected to contain clear statements about the object, in simple and coherent language. To help achieve this end, design strategies, admittedly adaptable to various areas, have the potential to make expert conclusions more accessible. It is concluded that the application of visual law resources, by seeking to transform more complex concepts, data and information into simpler ideas, can act as a truly useful tool for the preparation of clearer and more objective expert reports.

Keywords: visual law, expert medical documents, communication.

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