Original Article


How to cite: Alvarez MA. Kinesiological expertise - a technical-scientific impossibility. Persp Med Legal Pericia Med. 2024; 9: e240101


Submitted 08/15/2023
Accepted 01/04/2024

The authors inform there is no conflict of interest.


Marcos Antonio Alvarez (1)


Especialista em Medicina Legal e Perícia Médica pela ABMLPM, Matão, SP, Brasil


The Kinesiological expert evaluation has been advocated by some physiotherapists as capable of replacing medical expert evaluation in legal claims for compensation for bodily harm to workers, and has had repercussions in some Brazilian labor courts. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that kinesiological expert analysis, also called kinesiofunctional or physiotherapy expert evaluation is based on scientifically false premises, and therefore has no doctrinal basis to sustain it, being therefore unable to achieve its goals. This is the reason why it does not exist anywhere else in the world, except in some Brazilian labor courts.

Keywords: kinesiological expert analisys, kinesiofunctional expert evaluation, physiotherapist expert evaluation.

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