Original Article


How to cite: Pinheiro RA. Medical advertising on social media and its influence on civil responsibility. Persp Med Legal Pericia Med. 2024; 9: e240102


Submitted 12/26/2023
Accepted 01/25/2024

The authors inform there is no conflict of interest.


Renato de Assis Pinheiro


Universidade Corporativa da ANADEM, ANADEM, Brasil.


Throughout the last decade, social networking has revolutionized communications in all societies, causing great impact on personal and particularly professional relationships, mainly through democratization of advertising and increase of competition in all market sectors. The phenomenon of beauty worship is another crucial event observed in our study, since it has lead thousands of people in the world to pursue the beauty standards (often quite high ones) imposed by society. In addition to these two trends, certain structural problems in our country – which we will address further on – have caused a large number of doctors to look for their own space in the private sector, many of them running their own businesses in the main capitals of Brazil and facing enormous competition among fellow physicians and other professionals of health. The above-mentioned shift in the market has negatively impacted the doctor-patient relationship (DPR) has gone into a deep crisis, especially in elective treatments, and particularly the aesthetic ones. This crisis has elevated the commodification of medicine into unforeseen levels, worsening the patient experience and aggravating the judicialization of medicine. In this study, we assess the cause-and-effect association between the mentioned phenomena and distortions identified in applying the civil responsibility rules. We examine data pertaining to the judicialization of medicine in Brazil, inspecting legal decisions and their ground rules, expressly the convictions based upon medical advertising on social networks. Medical advertising plays a central role in this picture, replicating in Brazilian courts of law and causing concern to the entire medical class, namely the increasing volume of legal decisions in which civil responsibility criteria break away from the traditional standards. There are cases in which the obligation of means was replaced by an obligation of result toward patients, and cases in which the subjective responsibility became objective. In this sense, even simple surgical misfortunes and unavoidable adverse events can be attributed to the doctor. A lot of legal decisions are motivated by issues such as information negligence, consent bias, uncertain result promise, or even the promotion of misinformation through medical advertising on social media. The aim of medical advertising must be the information, and patient attraction a sheer consequence. When advertising deviates from its original concept, it inevitably narrows the line between a DPR and an ordinary customer relationship (i.e., purely contractual). As a result, the judiciary alters the way doctors respond to the law, causing irreversible damage to the medical rights in general. It is crucial that the government and the civil society, mainly the medical authorities and the Boards of Medicine, regulate and properly monitor the practice of medical advertising on social networks, imposing the necessary limits to warrant patient and doctors’ rights.

Keywords: Medical Advertising, Social Networks, Civic Responsibility, Obligation of Result.

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