This article is part of the author’s doctoral thesis from the Faculty of Medicine at USP – pediatrics area, being approved by the ethics and research committee and registered on the brazil platform under number CAAE: 35085220.2.0000.0068 and opinion from the medical ethics committee number 4,534,302. The authors inform there is no conflict of interest.
Camila Lúcia Dedivitis Tiossi Wild (1) –
Werther Brunow de Carvalho (2) –
(1) Médica perita do Instituto de Medicina e Criminologia do Estado de São Paulo (IMESC) (autor principal).
(2) Professor Titular do Instituto da Criança da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, São Paulo-SP, Brasil (autor secundário).
Introduction: Medical malpractice lawsuits have been a trend in recent decades. The search for compensation for damage has provided courts and lawyers with an area of activity where it is necessary to combine medical and legal knowledge to determine an effective judgment. Objective: To analyze medical malpractice civil lawsuits in the area of pediatrics and the judicial parameters for compensation. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 60 medical examinations in the pediatric age group carried out at the Institute of Criminology of the State of São Paulo (IMESC) from April 2009 to February 2014 and the court decision in the first instance. Expertise consisted of distributing them by type of expertise (indirect or direct), conclusion of the expert report (causal link or not between the medical conduct and the complaint), court decision in the first instance (founded, partially upheld and unfounded), and the valuation of the indemnity amount arbitrated by the court. Results: Most investigations were indirect – death (65%). Causal link occurred in 27 expertise (45%). Of the 27 expert examinations with a causal link, the magistrate disagreed with the expert report and did not determine medical malpractice. Of the 26 expert reports with a causal link, the sentence was concordant or partially concordant. All actions requested moral damage (100%). 41 actions requested material damage and only 3 asked for aesthetic damage. Moral damage was given in all sentences ranging from 9 to 691 minimum wages, with an average of 159 minimum wages. Conclusion: The amount arbitrated by the judge varied greatly.
Keywords: Medical error, pediatrics, compensation, expertise, court ruling.
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