The author informs there is no conflict of interest.
Estevam Vaz de Lima (1) –
(1) Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2a Região, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. (autor principal)
The author presents a critical analysis of the burnout concept and discusses the consequences of introducing a new definition of the phenomenon (burnout syndrome) in ICD 11. To do so, they conduct a bibliographic research among the most important authors in the field. They illustrate the functioning of the MBI, Maslach Burnout Inventory, from which the current burnout concept emerged. They present the problems related to this tool and discuss the introduction of the MBI/burnout concept in ICD 11 and its consequences. In addition to scientific issues, they discuss the linking of burnout research to a tool protected by copyrights and the commercial bias involved. The author concludes that the World Health Organization has inserted pseudoscience into the International Classification of Diseases.
Keywords: Burnout, pseudoscience, WHO, MBI, expert impasse.
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