Author informs there are no conflict of interests.
Grettchen Flores-Sandí (1) –
(1) Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Medicina, San José, Costa Rica
Introduction: Nowadays, the medical assessment of bodily injury has become a medical specialty with its own space and its own connotations. The objective of this article is to understand the effects in this field of diagnostic and therapeutic medical advances and the challenges they pose in the training of this human resource. Discussion: Technological development affects the way in which the mechanism of production of bodily damage, the causal link and the date of stabilization of injuries are analyzed, since medical, diagnostic and therapeutic advances make it easier to establish a precise and timely diagnosis and reduce the recovery time of a patient and thereby affect their clinical evolution, impacting their prognosis and their sequelae status and also has effects on the research and academic area of bodily harm. Conclusion: The diagnostic and therapeutic technological evolution poses the challenge of generating possible inequities for the medical assessment of bodily harm, related to the redesign of clinical processes, the determination of responsibilities and the training of the medical personnel involved, both care and expert. Therefore, it is essential to train human resources with the ability to adapt and respond to these changes.
Key words: Damage assessment, Clinical diagnosis, Technological development, Damage prediction.
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